Who ARE FI BUilders?

My Mission

I want to help you take control of your finances so that you can get more out of life. Taking control of your finances can provide you freedom you had no idea was attainable.

Employing a few simple strategies will improve your financial well-being and help you attain your goals sooner and 

Financial Independence gives you the flexibility and freedom of your own time, which is a finite resource. 

FI Builder aims to educate people who were not taught the basics of financial planning. We want to help you save, be conscious of your spending, and help you plan for a future you would consider a success. 


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Why was FI Builder created?

FI Builder was initially created to provide some guidance to some family and friends. The blog currently has the ambition to help 100 people. If I can achieve that goal I would consider the website a success. After that is achieved, I will aim to help 1,000 people, and then 10,000 and so on. The opportunity to help others is endless.

 If you or any friends/family need to demystify your finances please tell them about the website or have them get in touch.

FI BUILDER is a one man band. I am a Chartered Professional Account working in Finance for a large corporate. Day after day I spend countless hours in excel spreadsheets and nerd out on the likes of budgeting and financial planning. I have embarked on my own journey to achieve Financial Independence and welcome as many others as possible to join me.  

The articles and tools presented on this website aim to help you reach your financial and life goals. If there is a topic you want to know about and think would be relevant to others drop me an email and I will consider it for one of my future posts. Visit this link to drop me an email!